Boardroom Climbing (June ’15)

June saw the Spartans visit the Boardroom Climbing centre in Queensferry.  The Boardroom is an excellent indoor climbing venue. A great chilled out atmosphere with some impressive blocs, lead and top rope lines providing over 1000m² of climbing as well as having the UK’s first PSICOBLOC (“Psicobloc” is Spanish for “crazy boulder”)!

Spartans were split into two groups (Lads vs. Lasses!) the first challenges included a series of Bouldering exercises (no ropes, just crash mats).  The instructors were excellent gradually building up confidence to the high ropes climbs and the Psicobloc, all the while giving great instruction to help improve technique and challenge us.

Check out the picture below of one of the Spartans climbing the Psicobloc.  More pics can be found in our Gallery.  There’s also a video below taken from Go-Pro cameras of various people climbing, bouldering and getting stuck in!

On the Psicobloc @ Boardroom

On the Psicobloc @ Boardroom